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Neal Nye | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2005 > May 31 - Moon River
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May 31 - Moon River

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Jude Marion01-Jun-2005 16:38
Neal, this is such a beautiful, meditative image ... I could get lost in that refelction ...
viljamix01-Jun-2005 14:46
Cool reflection and beautiful blue color.
Guest 01-Jun-2005 04:53
I have a shot just like this one, but instead of the reflection its of the actual thing
Dennis Hoyne01-Jun-2005 03:41
Another great shot, Neal.
Guest 01-Jun-2005 03:24
Excellent reflection shot.
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Jun-2005 03:17
Beautiful, Neal. And, guess what, I will be singing "Moon River" for the next few days.
Karen Leaf01-Jun-2005 03:01
Simple and complex-love it!
Robin Reid01-Jun-2005 02:47
Cool shot.
Susanne01-Jun-2005 02:20
Great title and nice reflection of the moon in the river.