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Mattias Backström | all galleries >> LEGO Star Wars Comics >> XXIX > The Big Blitz
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A long time ago MisterMattias

The Big Blitz


In this episode you'll learn more about why Chewie crashes with a half twin pod:

Canon PowerShot G5
4s f/8.0 at 14.4mm full exif

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Guest 03-Jul-2007 05:18
asswere 12-Jul-2006 09:16
yu rok
Seamus Kuebler 06-Dec-2005 18:06
OMFG!! Chewie's legs are gone!
darth simmons 09-Aug-2005 18:33
chewie speek to me!!!!!!!!!
guest 05-Jun-2005 16:55
jpmlego2: oh yeah.. i totaly forgot about chewie
Sam_C19-Jan-2005 03:58
Once again, GREAT stuff!!! Very creative -Sam
Guest 07-Jan-2005 23:06
thank god they found him, poor fur ball!