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LBM Photography | all galleries >> Chronologic Photo Journals - 2002-2022 >> 2004 Photo Journal >> december 2004 > cleveland_murder
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this monday there was a robbery that resulted in a double murder. two blocks from where i work and less than a mile from home.
sad story to hear around the holidays, the article is below courtesy of "guardian UK".
Young Mother, Clerk Slain During Robbery
Wednesday December 15, 2004 9:16 PM
CLEVELAND (AP) - A young mother who went into a deli to buy baby formula was shot to death in a holdup along with a store clerk. Police searched for three men.The robbers entered Tony's Delicatessen on Monday and shot Jorge Santiago, 36, as he fumbled with the register, police said. They shot Rebecca Cordoves, 21, in the back as she ran away.
The robbers never got the register opened but fled with an undisclosed amount of money from the deli owner.
Cordoves' husband, with the couple's infant and year-old daughters in the car, had dropped his wife off in front of the deli during a snowstorm, and then drove around the block. He found her lying on the sidewalk.
``She was on her back, looking up at the sky,'' Francisco Cordoves said. ``I remember yelling, `Call help! Somebody please help!'''
Police followed footprints in the snow, but the tracks disappeared in an alley.

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Guest 04-Apr-2006 18:14
I dont Know either of the familys but I pray for justice and for those kids who have to grow up without a mother
Guest 04-Apr-2006 04:10
My friend is on the jury! Pray for justice!
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