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Jeff Horner | all galleries >> Samples >> Nature & Landscape > Rowboat Redux
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Jeff Horner

Rowboat Redux

Olympus C-5060WZ
1/125s f/6.3 at 22.9mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jul-2004 04:15
wow, what an evocative image, beautifully composed. such a mysterious feel that draws me in.
Michael Todd Thorpe03-Jul-2004 22:30
Beautiful. Nice comp, very quiet and peaceful.
Shaun Lowe03-Jul-2004 22:04
Carmen03-Jul-2004 20:10
I can't see a thing... Oh, wait! Gorgeous. You kept the perfect balance of light to capture the mood.
Guest 03-Jul-2004 18:57
Katie Chew03-Jul-2004 16:00
Larry Ahern03-Jul-2004 15:53
Excellent!! terrific shot!
Guest 03-Jul-2004 15:41
Herb 03-Jul-2004 15:35
jude03-Jul-2004 15:01
Very surreal.. ghostly. Composition is very good
Guest 03-Jul-2004 14:50
Don Northup03-Jul-2004 14:46
Nice. cheers
Jude Marion03-Jul-2004 14:37
Very nice image! The fog rolling in gives it such a surreal feeling ... sort of 'oterhworldish' Its great!