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Ian Chappell | all galleries >> THE REST >> archive >> past >> pad2004 >> pad >> June 04 > 06.06.2004
Just One Cornetto
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Just One Cornetto

Well better way to spend a warm sunny Sunday afternoon but go to the park with the kids and eat icecream! - Brillo!!

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/15s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 09-Jun-2004 21:47
Wow, beautiful!
jude07-Jun-2004 04:06
Her eyes are quite brilliant (I mean that in the american sense) Very nice shot. Looks like she's enjoying that
Herb 06-Jun-2004 22:56
And she is just getting to the best part:-)
Pall Gudjonsson06-Jun-2004 22:50
Just excellent !
yosi aptekar06-Jun-2004 18:35
a very good shot.
Guest 06-Jun-2004 18:24
Just one?? I think I'd want more than one, if they are that yummy?! She looks like she enjoyed that. Cute shot!
Robin Reid06-Jun-2004 18:06
This is a fun shot.
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