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virginiacoastline | all galleries >> PaD Archives >> Picture A Day 2004 > 14 MAY 04 BEAUTY SHOP
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Got my hair done today

Lotsa girls with classy Dos for the end of the school year Dances and Proms and such

And this lady who looked oddly like a movie star
Can't quite put my finger on it but I've seen this face before . . .

I remember . . . .

Olympus C-740UZ
1/30s f/3.2 at 22.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jannik Lindquist28-Aug-2007 20:56
Absolutely superb! A shining example of some of the best things the art of photography has to offer :-) V
laine8223-Aug-2006 09:29
No idea how I missed this the first time around !! Thanks to Adal I'm now caught up !!
Guest 12-Jun-2005 21:58
Great shot!
Mike Curtis10-Mar-2005 17:49
Great Photo. Looks just like he's actually looking through a clear magazine cover at you. Good job.
Guest 20-Jul-2004 00:04
Do I See BRad PItt!!
If so Perfect photo
Guest 17-Jul-2004 23:45
Clever! Nicely captured/created. Really grabs your attention.
Guest 17-Jun-2004 23:34
An awesome capture! A few regrets...would it were slightly more in focus.

Also, it'd be even BETTER if it were a woman's face on the cover as it's a woman under the I'm...not a woman so I don't really know.

Mere details. I passed through the "popular images," saw this one, said "oh that's clever" then kept browsing forward. About three pages later, I had to go back and get a closer look at this photo. Very memorable. Good job.

Guest 02-Jun-2004 03:38
LOL! Pete, this is a *great* image!
Ann Chaikin27-May-2004 02:41
This is histerical. I see why you so many comments. Thanks for commenting on my gallery. Ann
Guest 24-May-2004 21:22
1. This is so cool!
2. Brad Pitt made your photo of the day?!
3. Brad Pitt. Hmmmmmm!
4. His eyes make my tummy turn somersaults!!
5. Sigh! Ha Ha!!
wpmadden23-May-2004 01:30
zany beauty salon picture, well done!
Vinay21-May-2004 03:55
Missed seeing this one. Great shot.
RodTO20-May-2004 19:39
This one is just priceless! Excellent!
Guest 17-May-2004 13:59
(((haha))) Way Co0L ;D
Phil17-May-2004 05:37
very good
Guest 17-May-2004 04:53
Haha, great capture:)
mikiruaq16-May-2004 18:08
Very cool. I see Brad is making the rounds :)
Anne Young16-May-2004 14:36
Oooooh Brad!!! What a fine piece of meat... errrr I mean, actor... he is.
Lara S16-May-2004 04:56
ok which reminds me. I never got my Vanity Fair in the mail today. But this is hysterical. it's like Brad is under the dryer. I love it.
virginiacoastline16-May-2004 02:45
No, she didn't . . . and she wasn't pleased to see a camera in the shop . . I guess she is in the witness protection program or something
Guest 16-May-2004 01:04
I'm late to this party, but I sure Like this image!! How funny! Did the chick under the dryer know???
Guest 15-May-2004 22:54
LOL great!
Guest 15-May-2004 21:25
Guest 15-May-2004 20:33
Ha ha ha... Now I know who threw the "charming Brad" in the dustbin!!LOL Love this shot.
Ian Chappell15-May-2004 19:59
Love it!! I keep coming back to this shot for another look... Brillo!!
Guest 15-May-2004 18:05
Rofl, LOVE this shot
David Winge15-May-2004 16:16
HAHAHA Excellent, great composition, beeeutiful
Guest 15-May-2004 14:08
John Buffin15-May-2004 14:00
Great shot. Love the post process also!
Guest 15-May-2004 12:56
Carrying a camera everywhere really pays off doesn't it? NICE shot Pete! I wonder what Brads new do will be!
Karen Stuebing15-May-2004 08:51
Cracked me up. We women have all been there.
Merloz Paris15-May-2004 07:41
That's a great find and a really nice shot !
northstar3715-May-2004 06:26
This cheered me up this morning!
christianl15-May-2004 06:20
Great shot :-)
Guest 15-May-2004 05:16
hahahah excellent job!
brother_mark15-May-2004 04:51
LOL! Too good. And speak for yourself Mr. Reid. ;) Jude MC when you finish that dumbasses book tell me how to do these layer separation things....
Adalberto Tiburzi15-May-2004 04:25
I was just wondering why the hit counter of my "pit(t)y" pic jumped in the night doubling the number! LOL
A very very profound image Pete ;-)
Jude Marion15-May-2004 03:43
This is a GREAT image! It has great impact!
Well done!
Guest 15-May-2004 03:26
This is great. At first glance, quite startling even! Terrific capture.
A Reid15-May-2004 03:20
Steve Pepple15-May-2004 03:18
Wonderful shot.
CJ Morgan15-May-2004 03:10
Great juxtaposition. Great shot.
Guest 15-May-2004 02:49
Very cool. I love how it sorta looks like her head! lol Also the color Brad with Black and white world is nice! DUDE...NICE!
jude15-May-2004 02:33
Love the layer of black and white and the color magazine.. Yes i'm still trying to get that layer thing down.. i finally got "Photoshop for dumbasses" the other day.. gonna see if that helps
snootydog15-May-2004 02:33
very funny and you pulled it off well.
Karen Leaf15-May-2004 02:32
Very funny!
katwilkens15-May-2004 02:19
Great photo!
jypsee15-May-2004 02:14
I still haven't forgiven him for stealing Thelma and Louise's money.
Guest 15-May-2004 01:51
This is VERY cool, VC!
virginiacoastline15-May-2004 01:27
If YOU hadn't said that last line, Robin . . I was gonna . .LOL!!!
Robin Reid15-May-2004 01:22
Wow! This one made be do a double-take. What a hoot!
What I don't understand is how you gals can stand all that hot air, especially when you get liberal amounts of it from the men in your lives? LOL.
Guest 15-May-2004 01:19
Jill15-May-2004 01:10
Humor and creative thinking all rolled up into one. Excellent Pete!!
Guest 15-May-2004 01:05
What a find ... top notch photo ...
Joseph Tidwell15-May-2004 01:01
Even brad pit has to get his hair 'done', hes got an image to maintain.
Faye White15-May-2004 00:56
This is so, so, so cool! I bow to you... I might as well hang up my camera for today.
virginiacoastline15-May-2004 00:49
Guest 15-May-2004 00:46
Fun image Pete. Looks like Brad is getting a new doo.
Guest 15-May-2004 00:45
LOL I love this!! Brought the biggest smile to my face. This is really fun, and very well done!
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