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ctfchallenge | all galleries >> Challenge 50 - Bridges >> Eligible Gallery > Arches (*)
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24-FEB-2004 Duncan Hoyle

Arches (*)

Byker Bridge, Newcastle, UK

The effect in this was completely accidental, but I like it.

Canon PowerShot S40
1/6s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Paul Sumi26-Feb-2004 18:15
This is very intriguing, almost as if you'd experimented with curves in PhotoShop. I'm not sure about the dry grass at the bottom, IMO it detracts from the abstract-ness of the image.
Guest 25-Feb-2004 09:11
The only processing I did was to crop and darken. The original photo appeared overexposed and had a very bright sky. The grass in the foreground had bright sunlight on it.
Guest 25-Feb-2004 05:21
I like the geometry on this quite a lot. Did you desaturate it too?