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Ron Lutz II | all galleries >> Confessions of a Photophile…™ >> Photo a Day for a Year - 2003-2004 >> January 2004 > 01-02-2004
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02-JAN-2004 Ron Lutz 2nd


Pittsburgh, PA

Tonight I went to an art gallery opening. The work on display was only OK and the crowd was young and smelled of pot. I looked around for something to possibly shoot as it had been a gray, wet day and the shots I had taken earlier were boring. I shot a few regular snaps then decided to try something different. A wee-tad (LOL) blurred image of people chatting at the gallery. Ever notice how everyone comes to these to “see the art” but all they do is stand around BSing in front of the pieces so you can’t actually SEE them?? Oh, and no, I wasn’t high myself. I don’t do that stuff.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/90s f/4.0 at 40.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 07-Jan-2004 04:56
I like this, Ron - very creative, well composed. :>
Guest 06-Jan-2004 14:37
A really eye-catching image Ron, I like it a lot. Not just creatively focussed, also beautifully composed, and great colours.
David Mingay06-Jan-2004 12:11
Just to prove a good image doesn't have to be sharp! (BTW are you sure your 10D isn't front focussing? Maybe you should take some pics of rulers like the guys at DPReview do LOL!)
Guest 05-Jan-2004 20:49
Thsi makes me think of an advert for the Samritans or something like that !
Pall Gudjonsson05-Jan-2004 09:43
Guest 05-Jan-2004 03:37
It IS a great shot, and I know exactly what you mean! Some people are there to be seen, not see.
Jill05-Jan-2004 03:24
Ah yes, can empathize. The image is definitly representative of the enviroment. Well done.
Ray :)05-Jan-2004 00:48
A very original shot. The red makes it.
Guest 05-Jan-2004 00:39
LOL - great story Ron...and photo!
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