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Pierre | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oiseaux - Birds > Faucon émerillon / Merlin (Falco columbarius)
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09-Jan-2025 Pierre Photographie

Faucon émerillon / Merlin (Falco columbarius)

Visiteur à mes mangeoires.
Visitor to my feeders.

Sony RX10 IV
1/2000s f/4.5 at 220.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Claude Gagnon26-Jan-2025 15:13
Magnifique dans cette belle pose au repos :)) V
Dave Petersen Photography22-Jan-2025 13:07
Great capture with wonderful detail and excellent pose. A very beautiful Merlin with the watchful eye of a hunter. VV
Nirvan Hope22-Jan-2025 02:00
A perfect pose to show this handsome bird with such beautiful feathers.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal21-Jan-2025 14:23
Captured in a beautiful proud pose. V
PiJoly21-Jan-2025 12:40
OH OUI! Belle photo d'un mangeur de mangeur de graine ;-)
Kevin D Warren21-Jan-2025 00:30
Great pose and details to show off the Merlin's fine features. A treat indeed!
Nick Paoni20-Jan-2025 22:05
Portrait faming worked so well for this capture.
Don20-Jan-2025 21:36
I dare say it isn't the food in the feeders it is interested in.
Nestor Derkach20-Jan-2025 19:05
Excellent Hawk portrait resolution nice and sharp great pose.
Helen Betts20-Jan-2025 18:48
Sharp shot of this watchful merlin. V.
joseantonio20-Jan-2025 16:10
nice pose and framing.V.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet20-Jan-2025 15:56
Une splendide photo.
hayl20-Jan-2025 14:38
Great photo of this visitor. It will keep the other visitors away though.
Claude Rochette20-Jan-2025 14:19
De la belle visite. Les flocons de neige sur le plumage ajoute un bel élément à l'ensemble.
larose forest photos20-Jan-2025 14:19
Fantastic shot of this feeder visitor. What a treat to see one in your garden. VV
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