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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dreamy Gardens >
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Hestercombe Gardens, Taunton, Somerset

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Jeff Real26-Jan-2025 14:52
I really love your work froim this apecial place!
Alexander Kazakov25-Jan-2025 06:47
Gorgeous! V
Zoltán Balogh24-Jan-2025 18:30
How wonderful! V
Dan Opdal19-Jan-2025 23:40
Beautiful capture with wonderful framing! V
Hank Vander Velde17-Jan-2025 21:37
Beautiful well composed image.
Kevin D Warren17-Jan-2025 15:38
What an idyllic place to spend a sunny day - beautiful image.
Alain Boussac17-Jan-2025 15:14
Superbly composed and of a solar beauty. V.
Blandine Mangin17-Jan-2025 11:27
very beautiful ! v
Boris Alexander Keller17-Jan-2025 06:50
So beautiful setting of a dreamy garden! V
Jean Chiasson17-Jan-2025 01:08
Wonderful light and details Graeme V
larose forest photos16-Jan-2025 16:17
Love the warm and mellow tones of the walls around this fantastic garden. Your POV for this gorgeous shot is perfect. VV
Tom LeRoy16-Jan-2025 15:33
Wished I could walk there right now. A beautiful image of this wonderful garden. v
Julie Oldfield16-Jan-2025 01:36
The glow is amazing. So pretty. V
Dennis Hoyne16-Jan-2025 01:19
Another stunning shot, Graeme!
Nick Paoni15-Jan-2025 23:24
Love the green foliage on the wall.
Bill Klein15-Jan-2025 22:40
Beautiful! V!
Allan Jay15-Jan-2025 20:19
Stunning HDR capture, Graeme!
Nestor Derkach15-Jan-2025 18:50
Very nice inviting garden setting love the little pond and the lovely vines decorating the wall.
Artistic presentation.
Helen Betts15-Jan-2025 17:10
Beautiful gardens, and very nicely captured. V.
Danad15-Jan-2025 15:14
I like very much all the sharp details in the trees and these golden tones bringing light to the whole image.
joseantonio15-Jan-2025 12:00
those colors are simply amazing.V.
janescottcumming15-Jan-2025 11:50
Such interesting stone decorating around that door. I like the clamshell area too. V
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