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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> CATALUNYA (3) > Palau-Sator (Baix Empordą)
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Palau-Sator (Baix Empordą)

Palau-Sator is a municipality in the Baix Empordą area that gathers the villages of Palau-Sator, Fontclara, Sant Julią de Boada and Sant Feliu de Boada and the neighborhood of Pantaleu. All of them are located in the right valley of the Daró river and close to the Estany de Pals . All of them live surrounded by the authentic and sincere beauty of the Empordą.
Palau's origins are at least Roman, although it also shows us medieval aspects such as the castle tower , the square and the wall .
In its municipal area we find many relevant aspects of history and everything that its inhabitants have lived there. A fundamental aspect of this population is the cobla of La Principal de la Bisbal , which was formed, in large part, by inhabitants of Palau-Sator. This is why this musical group cannot be separated from this small municipal nucleus.

Canon EOS 90D
1/40s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield01-Nov-2024 01:29
Beautiful ivy covering the mysterious door. V
janescottcumming31-Oct-2024 16:42
That’s a lot of ivy! So nice and healthy looking too. V
francoisconstantin31-Oct-2024 14:58
Lovely shot with this mistery door!! V
bill friedlander31-Oct-2024 14:10
Lovely shot of the thick ivy. V
larose forest photos31-Oct-2024 12:16
I love seeing dense walls of green vegetation and this one is especially lush and beautiful. Great capture of it. V
marie-jose wolff31-Oct-2024 10:38
superb these walls covered with ivy V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal31-Oct-2024 07:05
Beautiful shot of this gate surrounded by greenery. V
Helen Betts31-Oct-2024 04:14
Great shot of this entryway well hidden by the greenery. V.
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