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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Recent_photos_2024 > 20240903 6355 Philadelphia Vireo.jpg
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03-Sep-2024 Hank Vander Velde

20240903 6355 Philadelphia Vireo.jpg

Ottawa West

Nikon D500 ,Nikkor 500mm f5.6E AF-S PFED
1/1600s f/7.1 at 500.0mm iso450 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pierre18-Sep-2024 20:30
Un joli point de vue de ce beau viréo de Philadelphie! V
Fabienne16-Sep-2024 19:40
C’est une très jolie photo de cet oiseau aux si belles couleurs.
francoisconstantin16-Sep-2024 12:37
Great details in this lovely composition.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet16-Sep-2024 12:23
Very Nice capture.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal16-Sep-2024 06:23
Fantastic shot of this Philadelphia Vireo Hank.
joseantonio16-Sep-2024 03:29
looks so lovely with those colors.V.
Missed Opportunities16-Sep-2024 00:39
It's good to see images of vireos - well done!
Pierre Martin15-Sep-2024 23:26
splendid sharp picture and close-up!
Tom Munson15-Sep-2024 23:21
Great capture, Hank. Well done.
hayl15-Sep-2024 21:15
Super photo of this lovely warbler, Hank.
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