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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD > Downy Woodpecker
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26-Aug-2024 Tom Munson

Downy Woodpecker

Spokane Co

Best viewed in original

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Danad31-Aug-2024 14:29
A great and sharp shot !
pkocinski31-Aug-2024 14:02
Great shot of "Woody"
Bryan Murahashi31-Aug-2024 04:30
Wonderful perch and capture.
Dan Opdal31-Aug-2024 03:11
So sharp and beautiful. Stunning! V
Hank Vander Velde31-Aug-2024 00:05
Another tack sharp shot with that 200-800 lens Tom.
Don30-Aug-2024 23:56
The perfect pose.
hayl30-Aug-2024 23:49
A favourite place to feed and pose for this fine photo.
Helen Betts30-Aug-2024 20:20
Excellent capture of this pretty woodpecker, on a very interesting looking perch.
janescottcumming30-Aug-2024 20:18
He knows just where to go to find some good treats.
Blandine Mangin30-Aug-2024 19:13
superb capture ! v
Allan Jay30-Aug-2024 19:08
Fabulous shot, lovely clear
joseantonio30-Aug-2024 18:20
lovely captured in this nice pose.V.
globalgadabout30-Aug-2024 17:56
well caught in profile, as they are so distinct...looks like a mullein stalk, which should provide a few bugs for a rewarding snack..
Pierre Martin30-Aug-2024 17:45
splendid shot and details, he choose a very nice perch!