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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> birds >> passerinnes >> shrikes_lanius_srakoperji > Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio rjavi srakoper_MG_5684-111.jpg
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Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio rjavi srakoper_MG_5684-111.jpg

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joseantonio28-Aug-2024 16:25
nice pose and capture.V.
waterfalls man27-Aug-2024 08:59
Beautiful Capture V!!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal27-Aug-2024 05:28
Beautiful sharp shot. V
Tom Munson26-Aug-2024 15:55
Great capture of this beautiful Shrike.
Hennie & Lies Lammers26-Aug-2024 14:52
Superb picture of this shrike.
Helen Betts26-Aug-2024 11:24
Sharp shot of this shrike, nicely posed. V.
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