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21-Jun-2024 Christine Hanrahan

Muddy walk

Larose Forest

All the rain we've had has made the muddy track even more muddy. A favourite walk because I don't think I have ever encountered anyone else in all the years I've walked it! Mosquitoes are abundant along here because of all the woodland pools, streams, wetlands - prime breeding sites. This year they are more abundant than usual, which is saying something!

Panasonic DMC-FZ2000
1/250s f/4.0 at 18.3mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pkocinski24-Jun-2024 10:59
Hope you had rubber boots for this walk...
hayl23-Jun-2024 20:47
I hate to think what it looks like today after yet more big rainfalls. The mosquitoes will love it.
Helen Betts23-Jun-2024 19:46
Wow, that is a lot of mud to get thru! I could tolerate that but not the mosquitos. V.
Carl Carbone23-Jun-2024 19:38
Yikes. I've noticed how much rain has been up there as I watched the local radar hoping for some here!
joseantonio23-Jun-2024 18:15
seems you have had a lot of rain.V
Pierre23-Jun-2024 17:33
Mieux vaut avoir ces bottes de pluie et un bon chasse-moustique pour se promener dans ce milieu idéal pour les insectes piqueurs! V
globalgadabout23-Jun-2024 17:04
wetlands par excellence, no wonder there are so many could call it Deet Road..
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