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Larry A. Stevens | all galleries >> INTERNATIONAL TRAVELS >> :: :: 2023 :: :: :: EGYPT > Abu Simbel
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06-Nov-2023 Larry A. Stevens

Abu Simbel

Aswan, Egypt

If you do not know the story of Abu Simbel, look it up on the internet. From 1964 to 1968 the entire monument was cut up into massive chunks and moved to high ground to keep it from being submerged by Lake Nassar as the Aswan High Dam was created. Although the pieces were moved by massive trucks, most of the cuts were made by very long hand saws like the ones used by loggers.

Originally this was cut out of the mountainside in one piece. Check out some of the pictographs that I found inside the monument, they were amazing.

(2023 10 October - D300 - 678 - Edited)

Nikon D300
1/80s f/18.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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