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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> COSTA BRAVA 2022/23 > Peralada. Església del Carme
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Peralada. Església del Carme

The church is Gothic. The tympanum of the façade features a sculptural ensemble of the Virgin with the Child, flanked by angels and dating from the mid 14th century. This church has a single nave with side chapels and a wooden ceiling. In other words, its style corresponds to the typical Catalan Gothic church of the mendicant orders.This church belongs to the convent, although many people know it as the chapel of the Castle. Despite its Gothic style, inside the church boasts all the signs of the large-scale refurbishment project carried out by the counts in the late 19th century. The aim of that project was to recover the Gothic style that had been covered up by the baroque reforms carried out by the friars during their occupation of the convent.

Canon EOS 90D
1/1000s f/7.1 at 135.0mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kevin D Warren29-Oct-2023 00:28
Beautiful, like a fractal.
Julie Oldfield26-Oct-2023 17:12
Terrific exposure to capture this. V
janescottcumming25-Oct-2023 17:11
An impressive photo of this lovely window. V
francoisconstantin25-Oct-2023 15:21
Beautiful and colorful art work!!
Pierre Martin25-Oct-2023 14:51
very beautiful and colored, lot of work in that, great shot!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal25-Oct-2023 14:15
Great shot of this stained glass window. V
Ika Zinka Eferl25-Oct-2023 13:41
Such pretty colors of this stained glass window! V
Zoltán Balogh25-Oct-2023 12:49
How wonderful! V
Don25-Oct-2023 11:34
That's resplendent, stained glass I assume.
Fong Lam25-Oct-2023 07:42
Beautiful colors and details superbly captured and framed....V
KAI-WING LEUNG25-Oct-2023 07:19
Very nice capture of the beautiful stained glass window! V
Dennis Hoyne25-Oct-2023 04:32
An abundance of colors here!
Bryan Murahashi25-Oct-2023 04:28
Beautiful colors and photo.
Nirvan Hope25-Oct-2023 04:02
An excellent image of this remarkable stained glass work.
Helen Betts25-Oct-2023 03:44
That stained glass window is stunning, and you got a fine shot of it. V.
Gary West25-Oct-2023 03:29
Beautiful stained glass well exposed. V
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