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Don | all galleries >> # wildflowers & plants # >> # environmental weeds # > Velvety Prickly Pear
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Velvety Prickly Pear

Opuntia tomentosa

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globalgadabout07-Apr-2023 19:09
a fine shot...somehow it is difficult to reconcile 'velvety' with 'prickly'...
Apostolos Tikopoulos07-Apr-2023 18:00
Beautiful details and colors. V
Tom Munson07-Apr-2023 17:23
Terrific capture.
Carl Carbone07-Apr-2023 13:19
Looks very healthy!
hayl07-Apr-2023 11:51
Your photo would make a great jigsaw puzzle - so many shapes and shades of green.
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