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LynnH | all galleries >> HISTORIC TEXAS >> TEXAS HERITAGE ~ TRAIL RIDES > Spanish Trail Color Guard
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25-Feb-2023 Lynn H

Spanish Trail Color Guard

Houston, Texas

The Spanish Trail Ride, established in 1961
109-mile ride from Shepherd, Texas

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer24-Mar-2023 21:03
Color group of riders. The entire gallery is a good bit of history and photojournalism.
waterfalls man22-Mar-2023 19:01
Great Capture V!!
Apostolos Tikopoulos21-Mar-2023 16:45
Great shot of this spectacular parade. V
Fong Lam21-Mar-2023 03:44
Excellent shot of this fun event....V
Charlene Ambrose20-Mar-2023 09:02
A nice view of these happy riders. V
Julie Oldfield20-Mar-2023 01:21
Nice DOF to capture the entire scene of happy riders. V
laine19-Mar-2023 23:43
The riders look fresh but not so sure about the horses. I think the one on the left is sleep walking :)) V
Graeme19-Mar-2023 23:37
Captured from an excellent perspective, Lynn.V
Nick Paoni19-Mar-2023 23:12
Love how the ample DOF gives me a clear view down the line-up.
Carl Carbone19-Mar-2023 22:32
Very nice capture. Horses are so cool.
globalgadabout19-Mar-2023 19:22
that's a good grouping, like a wagon train of people claiming the west..
carabias19-Mar-2023 17:44
Beautiful parade with a lot of history! V
Dennis Hoyne19-Mar-2023 17:41
Nice shot Lynn, this is such a fun gallery.
Walter Otto Koenig19-Mar-2023 17:20
Nice tradition and perspective. "V"
joseantonio19-Mar-2023 17:02
such a beautiful parade.V.
Allan Jay19-Mar-2023 16:34
Wonderful capture!
Helen Betts19-Mar-2023 16:21
Fine shot of this large group. It must take a long time to ride 109 miles to Houston! V.