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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Souvenirs de voyage - Birds around the world >> Souvenirs de Grèce 2007 > Parthenon
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Canon PowerShot S1 IS
1/1000s f/5.0 at 38.6mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal06-Feb-2023 11:42
Beautiful framing and captured.
Missed Opportunities05-Feb-2023 21:36
Looks like it has seen better days - hadn't realized how weathered it was!
Walter Otto Koenig05-Feb-2023 17:26
Interesting and well framed view of the Parthenon. "V"
joseantonio05-Feb-2023 16:25
nicely framed.V.
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