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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Rusted, Relics, Abandoned Galleries (10 Galleries) >> The Tom Reed Collection > 1950-52 International L-190 Tanker
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03-Oct-2020 Dan Greenberg

1950-52 International L-190 Tanker

Ravanna, KS

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield09-Jan-2023 19:28
Really interesting. Love your perspective. Very powerful. V
Fong Lam09-Jan-2023 03:42
The low POV adds impact to this sturdy tanker which has seen better days....marvelous shot! V
Nick Paoni09-Jan-2023 00:16
Terrific subject and love the low POV.
globalgadabout08-Jan-2023 19:52
thetanks must be empty now, yet the vehicle is full of interest, wearing its weather worn patina like a badge..
Richard Chu08-Jan-2023 17:29
Attractive colors and details. V
Marcia Rules08-Jan-2023 16:31
This ole girl has her warts but it makes a great subject! VVV~
Danad08-Jan-2023 16:17
It looks really impressive like this !