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End of the Gallery.

Derniers participants aux cérémonies ŕ Tanah Lot alors que le soleil se couche sur l’Océan Indien.

Last participants in the ceremonies at Tanah Lot as the sun sets over the Indian Ocean.

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Bart Aldrich25-Apr-2023 11:10
And the perfect ending!
victorswan26-Oct-2022 07:18
Très belle fin pour cette grande galerie BV
Arthur Lebacq15-Oct-2022 13:17
A great and wonderful picture for ending this interesting series....well done....VV
Zoltán Balogh14-Oct-2022 09:12
Stunning and so serene! V
Hennie & Lies Lammers14-Oct-2022 06:56
Lovely image and a beautiful gallery
Pierre12-Oct-2022 15:38
Une splendide scène aux formidables couleurs, une très belle image pour terminer cette magnifique galerie! BV
marie-jose wolff12-Oct-2022 10:27
un magnifique coucher de soleil pour la fin de cette série concernant l'importance des rites sacrés dans la culture traditionnelle balinaise.
Un travail remarquable! V
Nirvan Hope12-Oct-2022 05:23
And excellent way to end this colorful and uplifting gallery.
laine12-Oct-2022 01:19
What a perfect way to end...a beautiful photo. V
Pieter Bos11-Oct-2022 21:06
Beautiful moody image! ~V
Fabienne11-Oct-2022 20:30
C’est une superbe photo avec ces silhouettes qui animent l’image.
bill friedlander11-Oct-2022 15:20
Wonderful silhouettes against a gorgeous background. V
Buz Kiefer10-Oct-2022 19:51
Lovely image and striking silhouettes at dusk to end a truly outstanding gallery, Daniel. BV
Jean-Claude Billonneau10-Oct-2022 19:07
Une belle photo pour clore cette superbe galerie. V.
Claude Gagnon10-Oct-2022 12:51
Magnifique fin de cette superbe galerie :)) V
Graeme10-Oct-2022 10:30
A fine scene to end this amazing gallery, Daniel. V!!!
Bryan Murahashi10-Oct-2022 03:50
A beautiful sunset scene and photo.
Apostolos Tikopoulos09-Oct-2022 16:33
Nice image for the end of this splendid gallery. v
Jeff Real09-Oct-2022 12:26
I am sad in a way to see this beautiful gallery come to an end because it has been so wonderful to experience it!
This is a beautiful and perfect way to capstone this collection.
Now I am really excited to see what you will do next!
Gill Kopy09-Oct-2022 03:56
What a perfect shot to end the gallery with - it has been SO enjoyable. BV
Walter Otto Koenig08-Oct-2022 22:30
A great ending to a fantastic gallery. Really liked your images. They brought back a lot of memories for me. "V"
Nick Paoni08-Oct-2022 19:46
Terrific end of day and gallery pic. Love the silhouettes.
Marcia Rules08-Oct-2022 16:37
A lovely finale. Deeply meaningful light here too VVV~
globalgadabout08-Oct-2022 16:31
your skill and artistry have presented a magnificent series of images that open the eyes to the sights and ceremonies of Bali's people...bravo for your work and so many high quality, compelling images...V
Borisalex08-Oct-2022 15:44
Perfect for the end of this great gallery!
Helen Betts08-Oct-2022 15:32
Such striking silhouettes against that beautiful sky. Perfect ending to what has been a great gallery! V.
Nestor Derkach08-Oct-2022 14:36
Silhouette masterpiece exposure sharpness and composition excellent.
This has been a very entertaining gallery
Kevin D Warren08-Oct-2022 13:52
A beautiful composition and wonderful to see - a fitting image for the finale!
Neil Marcus08-Oct-2022 13:44
Lovely light and silhouette for an end of the gallery. "VV"
janescottcumming08-Oct-2022 11:34
A beautiful way to end this terrific gallery. V
joseantonio08-Oct-2022 10:59
such a beautiful image to end this gallery.V.
Wim Ensie08-Oct-2022 10:31
what a beautiful evening picture of this event, painterly! BV
John Reynolds LRPS08-Oct-2022 09:54
Beautiful sky in the background. V.
sand_shadow08-Oct-2022 09:18
Sublime, the moment captured in such rich detail. V
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