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28-Jul-2022 Lynn H

Awaiting Their Fate

Port of Galveston, Texas

Retired Burlington Northern Santa Fe locomotives waiting to be shipped off to other countries. There are about 100 of them altogether.

for the Pbase August 2022 Theme ~ IT Caught My Eye
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other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mieke WA Minkjan08-Aug-2022 09:52
excellent pov and locs V
Liz Bickel08-Aug-2022 01:50
Great composition with the leading lines of the road following the bright orange cars in the train. Good DOF.
Graeme04-Aug-2022 15:23
A fine composition of this retired train and its carriages, Lynn. V
Charlene Ambrose04-Aug-2022 04:24
They look like they are in good shape. Wonder why they were retired. Hope they find a new home. V
Nick Paoni04-Aug-2022 02:53
Love the amount of DOF from f/13 that gives me a good view down the line of cars.
Dennis Hoyne04-Aug-2022 01:16
They appear to be in pretty good shape. What a neat find and beautifully photographed.
Julie Oldfield04-Aug-2022 00:59
Incredible repeating patterns and color. I’m glad they are being reused. V
Carl Carbone03-Aug-2022 21:13
Neat shot and find. Nice to know they're not just being junked! Although replacing with electric might be better.
Don Mottershead03-Aug-2022 19:41
Nice capture of this unusual scene.
Walter Otto Koenig03-Aug-2022 17:20
Great perspective of all these locomotives together like this. "V"
carol j. phipps03-Aug-2022 17:01
Such an interesting picture and reality for the locomotives. Colorful, too. V
Helen Betts03-Aug-2022 16:24
Quite the impressive collection you captured here. I wonder why they're being sold? V.
globalgadabout03-Aug-2022 16:22
they look young to be impressive necklace of orange, and novel slanted layers..
joseantonio03-Aug-2022 15:56
a great capture of this interesting scene.V.
larose forest photos03-Aug-2022 15:39
How interesting. At first I thought it was a long train but then realized they were not all boxcars. Great shot and interesting info. V
Dan Greenberg03-Aug-2022 15:20
It would definitely catch my eye too. Great shot of all of them lined up. I may have asked you this before, but can you wander around in between them? ~BV~