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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains and Train Related Photos > Colorado Central No. 40
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02-Dec-2007 Dan Greenberg

Colorado Central No. 40

Golden, CO

At the Colorado Railroad Museum
Color Version:
Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real30-Jul-2022 15:22
There you go again!
Traveling back in time and did not even invite me!
This is really quite an amazing example of your skill!
Philip P26-Jul-2022 09:44
Superb image treatment!
Roland Le Gall26-Jul-2022 07:44
Gill Kopy26-Jul-2022 05:16
I like this one best too - processing works so well with the subject. BV
Carter Creek26-Jul-2022 04:27
Great image. ❤️V
Hank Vander Velde25-Jul-2022 21:30
A super image presented well in in a years-past setting.
Tom Beech25-Jul-2022 20:11
Cool! Wonderful treatment
Don Mottershead25-Jul-2022 19:23
Very effective processing. My favorite of the two versions. V
Marcia Rules25-Jul-2022 19:17
A totally creative take on this old engine. Very, very high score for your efforts ~VVV~
Nick Paoni25-Jul-2022 19:11
Love the processing.
joseantonio25-Jul-2022 18:42
nice capture of this old beauty.V