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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Vintage Lenses > 1952 Cadillac
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25-Jun-2022 Dan Greenberg

1952 Cadillac

Peyton, CO

Best viewed at original size.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II ,Helios 44M-4 MC 2/58 ,M. Zhongyi Turbo Adapter
1/2500s f/2.0 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real23-Jul-2022 12:57
Great work with that cool lens!
Great work as well with these awesome colors and textures!
Bill Klein20-Jul-2022 21:19
Superb!! BV!
Philip P20-Jul-2022 09:51
A beautifully symmetrical composition, only punctuated by corrosion!
Arnie Peterschmidt20-Jul-2022 05:14
Once prestigious... Nice colors and composition.
joseantonio20-Jul-2022 03:43
nice closeup detail.V
Long Bach Nguyen20-Jul-2022 02:32
beautiful compo and colors
SLC_Images20-Jul-2022 02:17
Really nice patterns of rust and old paint- excellently composed! VT!!
Dennis Hoyne20-Jul-2022 01:13
Cadillac gold, neat find beautifully photographed.