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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> DRIVEBY SHOOTING > Veggie Ninjas
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25-Mar-2022 Lynn H

Veggie Ninjas

Galveston Island. Texas

Drive-by shot. Veggie Ninjas and Boxing Salt & Pepper. The Tomato has just been sliced.
I had to hit my brakes and reverse and dig out the camera. LOL

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Jola Dziubinska25-Jul-2022 00:23
Very cute. V.
Doug Cruden10-Jul-2022 12:24
LOL, love it! Super expressions on their little veggie faces :o). Fab capture Lynn!
larose forest photos08-Jul-2022 01:31
So cool and clever and very eye-catching. Great shot of it too! V
Tom LeRoy07-Jul-2022 14:19
Very cool mural and excellent sharp shot. V
Charlene Ambrose07-Jul-2022 07:18
Great find. I love the look on the sliced tomato! So clever! V
Dennis Hoyne07-Jul-2022 01:33
Nice find! This one really makes me smile.
carol j. phipps07-Jul-2022 01:10
Glad you dug out the camera. Love it!!! V
Dan Greenberg07-Jul-2022 00:22
Very cool find and photo! ~BV~
Graeme06-Jul-2022 23:25
You found a real gem here, Lynn.V
Julie Oldfield06-Jul-2022 23:15
That is great! V
Buz Kiefer06-Jul-2022 22:15
Nice find! V
Pieter Bos06-Jul-2022 21:12
Lovely mural. Great find! ~V
Nick Paoni06-Jul-2022 21:06
Great drive-by. What a fun find.
globalgadabout06-Jul-2022 20:20
hot stuff, especially the pepper...they must be benifitting from all those vitamins..
joseantonio06-Jul-2022 20:08
nice capture of this great mural.V.
Helen Betts06-Jul-2022 20:03
What a great mural, very humorous. Glad you backed up to get the picture; we've done that many times here. V.
Walter Otto Koenig06-Jul-2022 19:52
What a great mural. Like the selection of fighting vegetables and the choice of colors. "V"
Alan K06-Jul-2022 19:40
That's one of the most creative murals I've seen in some time.