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Pierre | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oiseaux - Birds > Bruant hudsonien / American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)
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12-Jan-2022 Pierre Photographie

Bruant hudsonien / American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)

Sony RX10 IV
1/2000s f/4.5 at 220.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-Jan-2022 19:22
Stunning portrait.V
godro18-Jan-2022 11:01
Jolie compo!
Claude Rochette16-Jan-2022 23:55
Une jolie pose hivernale captée et il se démarque bien sur ce fond de neige!
Hennie & Lies Lammers16-Jan-2022 08:47
Fantastic sharp image in a nice winter setting
Nick Paoni15-Jan-2022 15:33
Terrific comp and absolutely love its expression.
Jeff Real15-Jan-2022 14:59
She looks so precious in this snow filled scene!
Fong Lam15-Jan-2022 05:14
A very delightful closeup of this cute little sparrow in a lovely winter setting.....V
Don15-Jan-2022 03:13
Wonderful expression and photo.
larose forest photos15-Jan-2022 01:56
You got a marvelous shot here. V
francoisconstantin14-Jan-2022 18:45
J'aime beaucoup voir les oiseaux avec leur plumage ébouriffé, superbe!!!
Dave Petersen Photography14-Jan-2022 14:02
So expressive and cute. This looks like one unhappy sparrow with the ruffled feathers and eye contact. A stellar POV and exposure. VV++
Nestor Derkach13-Jan-2022 16:43
Pierre this is fantastic Tree Sparrow portrait in the snow and windy.
Beautiful in the frame with nice detail.
Philip P13-Jan-2022 16:09
A beautiful capture!
Danad13-Jan-2022 10:18
Il a l'air un peu revêche ! :) mais que l'on puisse tenter ainsi de décrypter son expression prouve la netteté de l'image ! Superbe portrait...
Nirvan Hope13-Jan-2022 04:08
Fluffy sparrow doesn't look too happy with the cold, but you got a great shot of him!
Gill Kopy13-Jan-2022 00:38
This is just so cute - looks like it's fed up with having its photo take :) V
PiJoly13-Jan-2022 00:37
Mignon le frissonneux!
Isabel Cutler13-Jan-2022 00:28
This is MARVELOUS!!!!! Love the composition. Big Vote!
hayl12-Jan-2022 22:19
Wonderful photo. Made me smile.
Walter Otto Koenig12-Jan-2022 21:59
Great head on shot and so well placed in the frame. Agree with the others about the expression. "V"
Raf12-Jan-2022 20:30
Looks angry if I see well! V
Claude Gagnon12-Jan-2022 20:21
Un beau face à face très net! Bravo :))
Pierre Martin12-Jan-2022 20:17
splendide cette image bien nette, très belle frontale!
Hank Vander Velde12-Jan-2022 19:57
Neat shot of it all fluffed-up against the cold.
Helen Betts12-Jan-2022 19:43
What a delightful capture. That sparrow doesn't look too happy with you! V.
joseantonio12-Jan-2022 19:28
lovely contrast with that setting.V.
Colin Storey12-Jan-2022 19:18
Fantastic sharp image of this great looking bird.
Apostolos Tikopoulos12-Jan-2022 19:00
Very beautiful image with the lovely sparrow in the snow. V
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