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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> MALGRAT DE MAR. The Place Where I Live > Passeig de Llevant
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Passeig de Llevant

A palm tree loaded with fruits in the Passeig de Llevant

Canon EOS 70D
1/400s f/5.0 at 44.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
globalgadabout15-Nov-2021 01:40
what exuberance...the splayed growth is fascinating, and yes a rich bounty of fruit..
Julie Oldfield09-Nov-2021 22:56
Awesome perspective. V
Dennis Hoyne09-Nov-2021 20:50
A spectacular image, are those fruits edible?
Carl Carbone09-Nov-2021 01:25
Wow, looks like a feast for sure. Nice, tight shot.
laine09-Nov-2021 00:57
Great until they hit the mower blades... :(

A great POV, Jose. V
Philip P08-Nov-2021 22:01
Love the POV!
Allan Jay08-Nov-2021 21:50
Wonderful perspective!
Helen Betts08-Nov-2021 20:21
Great perspective for this very fruity tree. V.
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