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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> Scotland >> Scotland 2021 > Neist Point Lighthouse
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14-Oct-2021 John Reynolds

Neist Point Lighthouse

Neist Point, Isle of Skye

other sizes: small medium large original auto
globalgadabout24-Oct-2021 23:51
what sheared off land, rather like the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland...stellar composition too..
Graeme24-Oct-2021 10:50
Breathtaking scenery. The light is simply superb!. V!!
Zoltán Balogh21-Oct-2021 12:54
Terrific shot, John! V
Walter Otto Koenig19-Oct-2021 23:38
A very well composed view of the lighthouse. Nice work with the difficult exposure. "V"
larose forest photos19-Oct-2021 20:00
What a fantastic shot! Composition is terrific and the light on the headland is beautiful. V
Allan Jay19-Oct-2021 19:38
Takes me back, John to when
we visited. Superb job of handling
this high contrast.
joseantonio19-Oct-2021 17:53
nice view from this ventage point.V.
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