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Glenn D. | all galleries >> Galleries >> "eingh" - that sound you make when it's just okay > Butt Scootin'
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13-May-2021 G. Dean

Butt Scootin'

Winnipeg, MB

A juvenile grey squirrel seems to have an 'itch'

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg31-May-2021 16:52
And if not careful, also a butt splinter. ~BV~
pkocinski19-May-2021 11:16
Hope it doesn't get a sliver... :-(
joseantonio19-May-2021 03:14
so cute and lovely.V.
globalgadabout19-May-2021 02:05
the pause that refreshes...its likely another busy day for this grey..
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