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George McCarten | all galleries >> Nothing But Thailand >> Tracks > waiting.jpg
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Nikon COOLPIX L120
1/25s f/4.5 at 18.6mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg27-Apr-2021 15:07
Really exciting image from this perspective. Great lines and I like how the people are pretty evenly separated, evidently maintaining their social distancing. ~BV~
francoisconstantin23-Jan-2021 19:46
Very nice composition with all these lines.
Jeff Real23-Jan-2021 14:36
I love the geometry in this fascinating study!
Neil Marcus23-Jan-2021 12:50
At least the have a place to sit while waiting. An effective POV. "V"
joseantonio23-Jan-2021 11:27
Very nice POV...Great shot.V