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Thank you for your kind messages while I have been away from PBase.
I am well and still isolating from the virus, I am just taking a break from posting till the New Year.
Christmas will be different for many of us, including me this year due to Covid:19
It will be spent at home without any family members, the first time ever!
Let us hope that 2021 is a much better year than this one now that vaccines are being rolled out.

‘Merry Christmas to all of my PBase Friends’

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov10-Nov-2024 08:58
Beautiful and elegant! V
Tom LeRoy28-Dec-2020 16:58
Happy belated Christmas, Graeme. Your card is fantastic. Hope the new Year will bring us better times. V
Irene Wehrli28-Dec-2020 10:22
What a beautiful and festive card Graeme. Christmas is over, so I wish you hopefully some nice remaining days in the old year. It's a year to forget...
Jean Chiasson27-Dec-2020 20:10
Merry Christmas nice work Graeme
Fabienne27-Dec-2020 19:56
Quelle magnifique carte !
A mon tour de vous souhaiter une bonne et heureuse année en espérant que cette dernière vous apporte joie, bonheur et beaucoup de belles photos pour 2021
Dave Petersen Photography27-Dec-2020 13:42
A wonderful holiday wish and I wish you and yours a wonderful and safe New Year my friend!!!!!
Patricia Kay26-Dec-2020 20:56
Beautiful fractal Christmas card good to hear you are well and I also wish for us all health and happiness....take
Chris26-Dec-2020 20:26
And to you Graeme, wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas and a greatly improved 2021.
Thank you for your kind wishes and for your general us comments over the months.
Chris 🎄🌻🎄
Nestor Derkach26-Dec-2020 16:29
Nice fractal Christmas Greeting card stay safe and the new year is right around the corner.
Enjoy the break .
Wishing you a great year full of excellent health and the eradication of the virus.
Fong Lam26-Dec-2020 13:11
Such a beautiful greeting image....thanks and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Graeme! V
Arthur Lebacq26-Dec-2020 08:48
Glad that you are save Graeme....thanks for your kind Christmas card....merry Christmas to you too and a happy 2021.....take care and stay healthy.....
Dennis Hoyne26-Dec-2020 04:10
So lovely for the Christmas season! Happy Christmas, Graeme!
Range View 26-Dec-2020 01:38
So happy to hear you are well Graeme, we send you best wishes for a happy Christmas and hope the New Year brings better times.
Barbara and David
Pete Hemington25-Dec-2020 23:03
All the best for the new year to you
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Dec-2020 20:17
Merry Christmas,nice work! V
Stephanie25-Dec-2020 13:10
A beautiful greeting! V
Merry 🎄Christmas Graeme!
Colin Storey24-Dec-2020 14:09
Great card. Wishing you a Merry Christmas also Graeme.
larose forest photos23-Dec-2020 01:29
It is wonderful to see your Christmas posting, which is gorgeous. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. V
Gill Kopy22-Dec-2020 05:33
Good to hear from you Graeme - it's going to be a lonely Christmas for a lot of people.
Best wishes !
Hank Vander Velde21-Dec-2020 19:30
A lovely Christmas greeting image Craeme. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2021 too.
slhoornstra21-Dec-2020 02:45
Lovely, Graeme, all the best to you! V
Julie Oldfield21-Dec-2020 01:12
A beautifully composed design. Merry Christmas! Stay well.
A.G. Arao / noyphoto20-Dec-2020 17:09
Thank you for your beautiful greeting, Graeme. Merry Christmas to you, too! And a Happy New Year! -V-
janescottcumming20-Dec-2020 14:02
A beautiful card Graeme! Merry Christmas to you. Stay safe. V
Kevin Warren19-Dec-2020 23:54
A beautiful Christmas greeting, Graeme. Merry Christmas!
Blandine Mangin19-Dec-2020 18:07
joyeux noël ! espérons que 2021 sera une meilleure année ! v
Martin Lamoon19-Dec-2020 17:54
Have a safe Christmas, hopefully it will be better times next year
Walter Otto Koenig19-Dec-2020 17:10
A Merry Christmas to you too Graeme. I hope that 2021 is a better year for all of us. Take care and stay well.
Nick Paoni19-Dec-2020 16:07
Merry Christmas and stay safe and healthy.
victorswan19-Dec-2020 16:05
Merry Christmas, my friend!,Glad to hear that all is well with you,and see you after the new year
Helen Betts19-Dec-2020 15:26
Merry Christmas to you, too, Graeme, and see you after the new year!
LynnH19-Dec-2020 15:20
Merry Christmas, so nice to hear from you. I'm back on Pbase after a 6 month hiatus. Looking forward to your return. Stay safe!!
Jeff Real19-Dec-2020 14:55
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Thank you for this wonderful work!
joseantonio19-Dec-2020 11:48
merry Christmas to you too
danad19-Dec-2020 11:19
Glad to note that you are safe !
Thank you very much and Merry Christmas too !
Raymond19-Dec-2020 11:10
Et un beau Joyeux Noel à toi et ceux qui te sont chère. Stay safe
John Hamers19-Dec-2020 10:53
Glad to hear that all is well with you, Graeme. I wish you a merry Christmas, Stay healthy !!
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