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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Oiseaux du Québec >> Passereaux >> Gros-bec errant- Evening grosbeak > Gros-bec errant - Evening Grosbeak
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Gros-bec errant - Evening Grosbeak


La dernière fois que j'en avais vu dans ma petite cour de Repentigny,
c'était en 1985 alors que des bandes de plus de 50 gros-becs venaient s'alimenter tous les jours!

Thirty years ago was the last time I saw these grosbeak feeding at home. Are they finally back for this winter?

Sony Alpha α77 II
1/400s f/6.3 at 600.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
lucanton14-Nov-2020 09:54
il est magnifique ! V
Tom LeRoy14-Nov-2020 09:00
He's a beauty! Great shot after all this time, Claude. V
Hank Vander Velde14-Nov-2020 03:30
Nice sharp shot of this beautiful male Claude.
Christian Beaurivage14-Nov-2020 03:26
Bravo! Magnifique prise.
Nick Paoni13-Nov-2020 20:57
Cool nature portrait.
pmakuch13-Nov-2020 20:33
nice one on a natural perch, well done !!!
Marisa Livet13-Nov-2020 18:25
Une prise chanceuse. La qualité est excellente et l'oiseau est très mignon
Nestor Derkach13-Nov-2020 17:00
This is a very nice perched capture of this lovely Grosbeak very nice light and nice resolution.
francoisconstantin13-Nov-2020 16:33
Wow, superbe prise.
Helen Betts13-Nov-2020 15:22
They're beautiful birds, and I'm happy to see they've returned. Fine capture of this one! V.
danad13-Nov-2020 14:35
Superbe ! V.
Pierre Martin13-Nov-2020 14:01
très belle capture de ce beau mâle!
hayl13-Nov-2020 13:53
It's such a treat to see them again. I'm looking for them in Ottawa but no luck in our backyard. Great photo.
Isabel Cutler13-Nov-2020 13:23
How exciting to see this beautiful bird after such a long time! V.
joseantonio13-Nov-2020 13:06
lovely capture and framing..V.
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