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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Car Art - Ornamentia > 1938 Graham
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28-Jul-2017 Dan Greenberg

1938 Graham

Peyton, CO

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don Mottershead06-Oct-2020 16:45
Love these art deco designs. Well photographed.
Blandine Mangin06-Oct-2020 14:52
beautiful detail ! v
Industrial Heritage06-Oct-2020 14:36
Beautiful icon
John Hamers06-Oct-2020 11:53
Stylish ormanement and well captured. !V
Roland Le Gall06-Oct-2020 11:08
marie-jose wolff06-Oct-2020 09:43
very classy and stylish detail, Dan!
danad06-Oct-2020 09:05
Superb close-up ! Just like a Knight's helmet ! V.
laine06-Oct-2020 05:10
A very good looking hood ornament. V
Gill Kopy06-Oct-2020 03:46
What a nice ornament - looks bold and ready to take on the universe :) V
joseantonio06-Oct-2020 03:20
very nice closeup detail.V
Julie Oldfield06-Oct-2020 02:19
Sleek and powerful. V
globalgadabout06-Oct-2020 00:13
excellent shot to show clearly the stylish seems to offer the promise of a classy car with the latest technology..
Hank Vander Velde05-Oct-2020 22:59
Super close-up of this hood ornament Dan.
Graeme05-Oct-2020 22:33
A very good shot of this bonnet ornament, Dan.V
Neil Marcus05-Oct-2020 22:21
I thrill to the Art Deco design. Your position against the sky shows it so well. "VV"