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David Buzzeo | all galleries >> Sport >> Sport in Alberta > Morning Run
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Morning Run

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joseantonio09-Apr-2020 03:44
a nice composition for this view.V.
Walter Otto Koenig09-Apr-2020 00:11
Nicely composed with the winding path leading to the bridge and the city in the background. "V"
janescottcumming08-Apr-2020 23:19
A wonderful composition and a nicely balanced image.
Neil Marcus08-Apr-2020 23:04
A Winter vista and curves leading in. Very nice Buz "V"
globalgadabout08-Apr-2020 22:51
love those curves...good on you for the run, though a dash to the kitchen for coffee also gets the heart going, and is a lot warmer..
Helen Betts08-Apr-2020 22:03
Nicely composed view of the city, and especially striking with that bridge in sight. Amazing there's still so much snow left, when our tulips are blooming! V.
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