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Bryan Murahashi | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2019 - PAD When I Can > Mount Robson
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Mount Robson

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In British Columbia.

Nearing the end of our four day/night train ride across Canada.
We would arrive four hours ahead of schedule in the early morning in Vancouver B.C.
In the rain.

Converted to B&W.

Apple iPhone 7 Plus
1/60s f/2.8 at 6.6mm iso25 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean-Claude Billonneau26-Nov-2021 21:05
Belle perspective sur le train et la montagne. BV.
Colin Storey18-Dec-2019 20:03
Fantastic image taken from the train, superb perspective and treatment.
Hank Vander Velde18-Dec-2019 00:52
Super well composed image Bryan.
Pieter Bos17-Dec-2019 23:02
Great depth in this Well composed B&W image. ~V
Tom Munson17-Dec-2019 22:00
I like your POV here, Bryan. Nice work.
globalgadabout17-Dec-2019 20:32
utterly captivating....bravo Bryan...V
Nick Paoni17-Dec-2019 19:26
Terrific shot. Love it in mono.
laine17-Dec-2019 17:55
That's a beautiful shot, it. V
regi olbrechts17-Dec-2019 15:50
Action Man! O N the train Bryan!? ;-) Vote
Walter Otto Koenig17-Dec-2019 15:15
Great perspective. Works so well in b&w. "V"
pkocinski17-Dec-2019 11:51
Marvelous capture of this view!
marie-jose wolff17-Dec-2019 10:33
what a fantastic mountain scape in background! V
Bill Miller17-Dec-2019 08:28
Super view but I have never heard of a train arriving so early...
Arnie Peterschmidt17-Dec-2019 06:06
Great travel photo, perfect timing with the curve in the tracks and the black and white adds to the drama.
Steven Jusczyk17-Dec-2019 06:01
Sweet perspective, great sense of place!
Yvonne17-Dec-2019 05:36
A superb image, great light & scenery! v
joseantonio17-Dec-2019 05:20
you had a perfect view with the train giving perspective to the image.V.