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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > November 18
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November 18

Going Down

Apple iPhone 8
1/640s f/1.8 at 4.0mm iso20 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield20-Nov-2019 00:33
Wow! That is amazing! V
danad19-Nov-2019 14:41
Great POV and composition ! V.
pkocinski19-Nov-2019 12:21
Very cool capture although a little scary looking.
marie-jose wolff19-Nov-2019 10:57
fantastic composition, , great perspective and details! V
Yvonne19-Nov-2019 09:18
Fabulous reflections.. v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal19-Nov-2019 07:40
This is beautiful, love the POV. V
joseantonio19-Nov-2019 06:11
what an amazing perspective with this POV....V.
Jeff B.19-Nov-2019 05:05
Great eye! V
John19-Nov-2019 04:51
Excellent. As well the shot itself as the black n white. A trip to the mall worth well. BV
Dan Greenberg19-Nov-2019 03:56
What an intriguing POV! It makes this escalator seem a couple hundred feet tall. Magnificent composition. ~BV~
Carl Carbone19-Nov-2019 03:07
Nice work, Walter. You really know how to present geometric lines and forms.
Jim Coffman19-Nov-2019 02:54
Fantastic capture, Walter!
Neil Marcus19-Nov-2019 02:40
Those steely silver tones are gorgeous.This is a unique and wonderful detail of an escalator
"Big Vote"
Wintermeer19-Nov-2019 01:28
splendid capture- I always find it fascinating what a skilled fotographer can make of the most mundane and often overlooked scenes! ~V~
globalgadabout19-Nov-2019 01:26
escalator or centre section way or the other you could be on the move here...well shot from a telling vantage point..
Jean Chiasson19-Nov-2019 00:51
Spectacular view composition Walter V
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