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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> PEOPLE > Katherine and I in T-34A 1702
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Katherine and I in T-34A 1702

It has been over 9 years since my wife flew with me in the T-34. The last time we flew over downtown Seattle in 2010 then I flew the plane to Nashville for the new owner. It was nice for Katherine to be back in the plane.
I took Katherine flying in T-34B on our second date and flew to Friday Harbor on our wedding day in 2004 with our tux and wedding dress in T-34B.

Apple iPhone 8
1/244s f/2.2 at 2.9mm iso20 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
tim t hoang11-Sep-2022 21:01
Nice to know you. Please have a meet up if you visit Vancouver. Thanks.
Marwan Habib04-Sep-2022 21:26
Please to "meet" you both.
Nice self portrait and story.
Russell Tunny05-Jun-2021 15:56
Nice story re: you, Katherine and T-34. Good image too. V!
Milan Vogrin25-Oct-2019 07:08
Nice to see happy faces. V!
Tom Beech03-Jul-2019 15:03
..... Ah, didn't see this one before the latest post... very cool but still don't know if you bought it or not?
MarcViskens23-Jun-2019 11:28
Great shot
Well done
pkocinski23-Jun-2019 11:16
Great photo of you two!
Helen Betts23-Jun-2019 05:53
Nice to see the two of you again!
Neil Marcus23-Jun-2019 02:15
This is a lovely picture of you both.
Arnie Peterschmidt23-Jun-2019 02:00
Not your ordinary "selfie", really tells a story.
Robert Becker23-Jun-2019 01:44
Did I happen to see you do a gear up, low pass in Renton yesterday?
fotabug23-Jun-2019 01:30
Wow, this is a terrific photo! It's great of both of you! V
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