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Dave Petersen Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> Color Not Required > Monument Valley-Late Evening
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Monument Valley-Late Evening

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/90s f/16.0 at 28.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh01-Apr-2022 15:25
Awesome capture, wow! V
bill friedlander03-May-2019 21:31
Well composed with the formations spread across the frame. The tones are superb. V
Claude Gagnon01-May-2019 15:40
Love this wonderful presentation of Monument Valley :)) V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)30-Apr-2019 10:21
Nice work as always.Vote
Ton T.13-Apr-2019 08:32
Fabulous B&W Dave! V
Dennis Hoyne12-Apr-2019 00:28
An absolutely stunning image a place I have always wanted to visit!
janescottcumming10-Apr-2019 23:54
Great play with shadow and light here. Fabulous black and white work! V
Pete Hemington10-Apr-2019 06:09
great depth and detail
Fong Lam10-Apr-2019 05:36
A stunning landscape and dramatic sky well captured and presented in monochrome....the lighting and details are amazing...V
Tom Munson09-Apr-2019 23:54
Amazing capture, Dave. Love this in B&as.
Jean Chiasson09-Apr-2019 18:49
Splendid landscape and work Dave BV
Julie Oldfield09-Apr-2019 04:04
Truly amazing. It goes on forever. Love the road. V
vifut09-Apr-2019 02:00
Great view - light and shadows show very well in b&w (V)
Graeme08-Apr-2019 22:43
A magnificent landscape in monochrome, Dave. Well done.V!!
Hank Vander Velde08-Apr-2019 20:02
A rather sobbre-looking scene well presented in B&W Dave,
Hank Vander Velde08-Apr-2019 20:00
A rather sombre-looking sce, well presented in B&W Dave.
Nick Paoni08-Apr-2019 19:39
A stunning monochrome filled with exquisite details and magnificent tones.
Tom LeRoy08-Apr-2019 18:47
Truly magnificent in monochrome, Dave. BV
Pierre08-Apr-2019 16:08
Cette photo en noir et blanc de ce formidable paysage est tout à fait réussie! V
Charlene Ambrose08-Apr-2019 05:01
This works really well in monochrome. V
Martin Lamoon07-Apr-2019 20:38
Perfect in B&W.
laine07-Apr-2019 20:07
It's an amazing place...excellent view of the valley. V
Colin Storey07-Apr-2019 17:54
Stunning mono composition of the amazing scene.
Dan Greenberg07-Apr-2019 16:16
A wonderful POV and an even more wonderful classic vintage looking B&W presentation with great handling of the wide range of light and tones. ~BV~
Jim Coffman07-Apr-2019 16:01
A great perspective,Dave! Wow, what a view! Very nice work, my friend!
danad07-Apr-2019 15:38
A beautiful and luminous B&W ! Great clarity and superb play of shadow and light. BV.
globalgadabout07-Apr-2019 15:36
a gem of an to see that view from this angle too..V
Marcia Rules07-Apr-2019 14:42
Spectacular Dave, just spectacular~ BV
Walter Otto Koenig07-Apr-2019 14:35
Great composition with this perspective. I like your choice of tones. So many different elements makes this such a fine image. "V"
Jeff Real07-Apr-2019 13:50
This reaches such a level of greatness. Very inspiring work, Dave!
The sky and shadows make this vast expanse take on an amazing quality.
I am honored to see this.
Neil Marcus07-Apr-2019 13:44
The monotone is a perfect choice. color would get in the way of the detailed highlight and the shadow you captured. "Big Vote"
Helen Betts07-Apr-2019 13:22
Such a majestic scene, with great shadows and a marvelous sky. V.
joseantonio07-Apr-2019 13:22
what a fantastic way, even more dramatic in your presentation in B&W...V
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