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Chris Picard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstract Images > Circular Seattle
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Circular Seattle

Just fooling around a little bit.

Nikon D810
8s f/9.0 at 185.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fong Lam12-Mar-2019 23:26
Very cool effect with marvelous colors.... like viewing Seattle from below a deep tunnel....V
Tom Munson11-Mar-2019 05:04
Amazing capture, Chris.
danad10-Mar-2019 10:19
Superb work ! V.
Tom LeRoy10-Mar-2019 10:06
Never saw Seattle like this before! Very cool, Chris. V
Nirvan Hope10-Mar-2019 03:21
So you were speeding through the new tunnel and this is what you saw when you came out at the north end...!! Totally unique!
Hank Vander Velde09-Mar-2019 23:27
INTERESTING work and super image Chris.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)09-Mar-2019 19:44
Fantastico! V
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