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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> People in Costumes >> Renaissance Faire 16 >
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Nikon D850 ,AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
1/640s f/5.6 at 70.0mm iso400 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 27-Oct-2018 00:03
Reminds me of the song, "My Cup Runneth Over"! Very nice catch.
Range View 25-Oct-2018 23:08
A very despondent look about something not right. Excellent capture Walter.
globalgadabout25-Oct-2018 21:06
an image bursting with possible interpretations....perhaps she is distressed that she has only water for her tankard..
Jim Coffman25-Oct-2018 21:01
Words fail me! Nice candid, Walter...
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