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The old pavilion at Bathurst showground..

A stormy afternoon

Nikon COOLPIX S8100
1/156s f/3.5 at 5.4mm iso160 full exif

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janescottcumming05-Aug-2018 01:19
Amazing lighting and colors. V
SLC_Images04-Aug-2018 21:32
The lighting is just outstanding and the sky foreboding...VT!
Walter Otto Koenig04-Aug-2018 20:10
Really like the colors and lighting on the building. Great with that dark sky. "V"
Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2018 17:20
Very dramatic lighting and splendid color. Very impressive work. BV
Blandine Mangin04-Aug-2018 16:45
superb mood ! v
bill friedlander04-Aug-2018 14:55
Fabulous light and color, a stormy sky to add to the drama. V
globalgadabout04-Aug-2018 14:54
just the POV on the scene, which is so rich with the intense colours and strong contrast....admire your processing here..V
Fong Lam04-Aug-2018 13:56
A marvelous, striking composition with that dramatic sky and strong light...V
Pieter Bos04-Aug-2018 13:15
Super atmosphere! ~V
Tom LeRoy04-Aug-2018 12:40
A dynamic and colorful composition. V
Pierre04-Aug-2018 12:32
Tout à fait magnifique sous cette superbe lumière et ce formidable ciel! V
Jeff Real04-Aug-2018 12:28
This is a work of art that I will never forget.
It is a museum quality piece
joseantonio04-Aug-2018 10:34
looks amazing with that light.V.
chris morton04-Aug-2018 08:25
nicely lit and dramatic against those storm clouds
laine04-Aug-2018 05:32
A great old many have gone now. This needs to be pinter and framed, Bob. V
Helen Betts04-Aug-2018 02:35
Spectacular in that light, especially against the threatening sky. V.
carol j. phipps04-Aug-2018 02:09
Amazing colors against that sky. Stunning! V
Wintermeer04-Aug-2018 01:36
Great light, lovely juxtaposition between the bright yellow and the greyish sky! ~V~
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