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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Souvenirs de voyage - Birds around the world >> Pérou 2017 Peru >> Oiseaux du Pérou 2017 Birds of Peru > Goéland Siméon - Belcher's Gull
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Goéland Siméon - Belcher's Gull

La Rosa Nautica, Lima

Sony Alpha 55
1/500s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robert Houde13-Feb-2018 02:19
Très belle capture, bravo Claude, V.
joseantonio12-Feb-2018 20:53
wonderful capture of this beauty.V
larose forest photos12-Feb-2018 20:49
What an interesting looking gull! Fantastic shot of it too. V
Céline Leclerc12-Feb-2018 20:26
Joliment présenté ce goéland, bien fait Claude!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)12-Feb-2018 20:03
Un bellissimo lavoro,Claude! BV
Tom Munson12-Feb-2018 18:35
Terrific image of this beautiful Gull.
Hank Vander Velde12-Feb-2018 17:05
Excellent sharp and well exposed image Claude.
Pierre Martin12-Feb-2018 15:48
très belle image détaillée, excellente pose et bg!
Helen Betts12-Feb-2018 15:16
I like the DOF used in this fine capture. V.
Nick Paoni12-Feb-2018 14:44
A fine environmental portrait of this gull. I like the pose.
Pierre12-Feb-2018 14:29
Un très beau goéland dans une très jolie pose!
Jim Coffman12-Feb-2018 14:29
A very nice portrait of this gull, Claude...
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