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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tout autour de nous - Nature all around us ! > Brrrr, en cherchant un harfang ! - So cold, looking for a snowy !
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Brrrr, en cherchant un harfang ! - So cold, looking for a snowy !


Olympus Stylus SH-50
1/2000s f/8.7 at 4.5mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Christian Beaurivage07-Feb-2018 04:00
On peut sentir le froid...brrrrr!!!
Hank Vander Velde06-Feb-2018 23:48
Looks Brrrr Claude. Snowies don't seem to mind though. Hope you found one.
Pierre Martin06-Feb-2018 23:38
très belle compo hivernale!
Don06-Feb-2018 21:29
That looks ... the very epitomy of cold. Keep warm!
Réal Jauvin06-Feb-2018 19:56
Vraiment cette image montre très bien la froidure de notre hiver québécois!
Bien fait Doris!
Helen Betts06-Feb-2018 17:00
If I were a snowy owl, I'd look for some place warmer than that! Super capture of this frigid scene.
Tom Munson06-Feb-2018 16:35
It does look cold in this terrific capture.
Jim Coffman06-Feb-2018 16:08
Nice capture of this cold scene, Doris!
Claude Rochette06-Feb-2018 16:04
Une capture qui rends bien la froidure de l'instant. Bien fait Doris!
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