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Jean Durepos

Snowy Egret


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Pierre14-Feb-2018 12:53
Un gros plan très réussi de cette belle aigrette! V
Buz Kiefer09-Feb-2018 18:53
Beautiful portrait. Sharp and distinct. Excellent colors. Vote.
larose forest photos07-Feb-2018 03:45
Exceptionally beautiful image here. VV
globalgadabout06-Feb-2018 15:46
excellent capture...somehow it looks so distinguished..
Neil Marcus06-Feb-2018 14:41
Terrific portrait Jean. "V"
Blandine Mangin06-Feb-2018 12:06
superbe portrait !v
Fong Lam06-Feb-2018 11:46
Wonderful portrait of this lovely egret, Jean...V
joseantonio06-Feb-2018 05:14
brilliant capture.Love it..V
Jim Coffman06-Feb-2018 04:01
A first class portrait, Jean !!
fotabug06-Feb-2018 03:21
A truly fine image!
Helen Betts06-Feb-2018 02:51
What a fantastic portrait of this beautiful snowy egret. V.
Hank Vander Velde06-Feb-2018 02:47
Nice sharp and well exposed portrait Jean.
Claude Gagnon06-Feb-2018 02:42
Magnifique portrait Jean :))