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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monochrome > Fountain Paris.jpg
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Fountain Paris.jpg

Paris, France

Needed to dig up some fountain shots for the S&T competition :)

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/160s f/11.0 at 80.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff Real30-Sep-2017 13:58
This is so amazing in monochrome
So much beauty in the details
Jean D17-Sep-2017 03:39
Beautiful capture and a fine composition. ~V
Walter Otto Koenig16-Sep-2017 17:00
Great in b&w with these tones. I like the tight crop. "V"
Liz Bickel16-Sep-2017 16:57
This works so well in monochrome. Super composition, toning, and detail.
Tom LeRoy16-Sep-2017 16:03
An ornate and beautiful fountain. Love this in B&W. V
bill friedlander16-Sep-2017 15:24
Its a gorgeous fountain, perfectly captured. V
Helen Betts16-Sep-2017 13:05
Super light and excellent detail in this elaborate fountain. V.
barbarajoy16-Sep-2017 13:01
Wonderful image Gill. V
Nirvan Hope16-Sep-2017 12:43
What an amazing sculpture for a fountain.
joseantonio16-Sep-2017 11:55
a beautiful fountain and a great shot.V.
1moremile16-Sep-2017 10:56
This is a really nice one. Great tones and detail. V.
Yvonne16-Sep-2017 10:47
Beautifully captured in b/w.. v
Neil Marcus16-Sep-2017 07:50
I like the details of this fountain including the figures. Nothing like this in staid Kansas. Let us know how you make out in the competition."V"
globalgadabout16-Sep-2017 04:58
excellent image, and what a well-fashioned fountain this is..
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