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Bryan Murahashi | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2017 - PAD When I can > Amaryllis Belladonna
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Amaryllis Belladonna

Also known as the Naked Lady Amaryllis Belladonna as it blooms in the late summer with no leaves.

Nikon D750 ,AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR
1/500s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso1100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff Real30-Aug-2017 22:17
Very beautiful work here, Bryan
bill friedlander30-Aug-2017 17:51
Wonderful delicate colors and a carefree feeling. V
laine30-Aug-2017 15:55
Always delicate. A lovely photo Bryan. V
Tom Munson30-Aug-2017 14:37
This is beautiful, Bryan. Nice shot.
Nick Paoni30-Aug-2017 13:05
These flowers are so pretty. I like when they grow in large clusters like this.
pkocinski30-Aug-2017 11:01
So beautiful...
Yvonne30-Aug-2017 11:01
Superb.... love these! v
globalgadabout30-Aug-2017 04:42
attractive, well-formed flowers...colour and clarity are impressive..
Steven Jusczyk30-Aug-2017 04:26
Liz Bickel30-Aug-2017 04:08
How very lovely. Nicely photographed.
Dennis Hoyne30-Aug-2017 03:57
Beautiful, the detail and color is exquisite. V
joseantonio30-Aug-2017 03:49
lovely and beautiful.V.