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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sky and Beyond > 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
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21 August 2017 Sam Rua

2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Mitchell, OR view map

*** Best view at original size ***

Here is the entire sequence from just before first contact and just after last contact.
Images were captured at 5 minute intervals, except for the one at totality which was
approximately 1.5 minutes after the previous image in the sequence.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann Pettigrew25-Oct-2019 18:53
Such a cool photo! No idea how you put these together but love it! My brother and I went to Greenville, SC, by train to see the eclipse. No photos but a lasting memory! The crickets suddenly started singing at totality which was amazing to hear. Nice job!
Buz Kiefer22-Nov-2017 19:48
Beautiful work, Sam. Excellent series. BV
Chris Gibbins21-Sep-2017 22:53
Excellent composite image. I attempted a similar presentation with a partial eclipse in the UK, mine was eclipsed by yours, though! V
Colin Storey19-Sep-2017 20:01
Amazing image, top notch photography and the best image I have seen from this event.
Zeeby09-Sep-2017 21:35
An amazing photography! BV
Robbie D7009-Sep-2017 18:56
That looks like a lot of hard work and it has paid off.
Superb work my friend.
peterjay4505-Sep-2017 14:41
David says it perfectly. Outstanding photography.
Gill Kopy05-Sep-2017 00:39
Ditto David's comment - an incredible image - the best I've seen of the event BV
Nirvan Hope04-Sep-2017 21:32
LynnH04-Sep-2017 19:27
Awesome!! V
Johnny JAG04-Sep-2017 18:43
Incredible, so well planned and executed.
Helen Betts04-Sep-2017 18:22
Simply outstanding work, Sam.
Range View 02-Sep-2017 22:04
A very impressive sequence showing the full eclipse, brilliant work Sam! V
Cedric Sims02-Sep-2017 17:22
Nice! V
Dougie Young02-Sep-2017 08:31
Fantastic, nice work..>ote
Dave Petersen Photography01-Sep-2017 15:26
An incredible capture(s). Your image coveys the sequence so perfectly and I admire your knowledge and planning. Frame it and hang it. Top notch photography!! VVV+++
Tom LeRoy01-Sep-2017 05:59
Fantastic! V
Marcia Rules30-Aug-2017 12:32
This is extraordinary Sam... BV
Bryan Murahashi30-Aug-2017 04:02
Well done, Sam.
M Paula Neumann29-Aug-2017 21:19
WOW! Great composite. V
pkocinski29-Aug-2017 17:38
Fantastic work Sam!
danad28-Aug-2017 20:04
Great work ! V.
Liz Bickel28-Aug-2017 19:21
Wow!!! Amazing!
Martin Lamoon28-Aug-2017 11:29
Excellent captures.
Stephanie28-Aug-2017 10:12
Wow! I love the work that you put into this fabulous work of art Sam! Kudos! VV
Charlene Ambrose28-Aug-2017 05:05
Wow, that is so interesting to see. Nice work, Sam! V
waterfalls man28-Aug-2017 05:00
Excellent V!!
SLC_Images28-Aug-2017 03:56
Great job Sam! VT!
Neil Marcus28-Aug-2017 01:57
a spectacular view, Sam. Better than the TV, magazines, and newspaper coverage. Big Vote
Hank Vander Velde28-Aug-2017 01:38
SUPER sequential image of this amazing event Sam.
Walter Otto Koenig28-Aug-2017 01:28
Excellent Sam. Easily the best I've seen of the eclipse. "V"
Julie Oldfield28-Aug-2017 00:46
Amazing work!! V
Range View 27-Aug-2017 22:34
Very well presented Sam, what a great experience for you to witness this amazing event! V
Jerry Pillarelli27-Aug-2017 22:32
There it is...SWEET! V
John Vass27-Aug-2017 21:17
Wow! This is some fine work! BV
Karin Doeling27-Aug-2017 19:47
Fantastic, great work!! V
Tom Munson27-Aug-2017 19:19
Great work, Sam.
Carol How27-Aug-2017 19:17
Great photography Sam! V
globalgadabout27-Aug-2017 19:04
you aced it notch photography...V
Wim Ensie27-Aug-2017 18:51
fantastic Sam, you made something really unique
Dan Greenberg27-Aug-2017 18:49
Ah - the picture I was waiting for. It does not disappoint either. Wonderful job of putting this full sequence shot together. ~VVV~
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