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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> slovenia >> Gorizia Hills > Church of the Holy Cross in Kojsko with vineyards and cherry orchards and Sveta Goro Holy Mountain with Basilica of the Assumpti
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Church of the Holy Cross in Kojsko with vineyards and cherry orchards and Sveta Goro Holy Mountain with Basilica of the Assumpti

419 Smartno 5.jpg

backlit; Church of the Holy Cross; stations of the Cross; Kojsko; Brda; Slovenia; Europe; Gorizia Brda; vineyard; grape vines; rows; grapes; crops; cherry; trees; orchard; farm; land; green; hills; Gorizia; Hills; Goriska; Brda; church; Spring; wine; country; hill; hilltop; Sveta Gora; Sveto Goro; Holy Mount; Queen; Holy Mountain; Basilica; Assumption of Mary; monastery; bell tower

Nikon D810
1/320s f/8.0 at 180.0mm iso64 full exif

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