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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panasonic Lumix GX Vario 35-100 > PZ060114 Peaking helped nail focus
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PZ060114 Peaking helped nail focus

Unless they're still sleeping in the morning, bees are in constant motion. The peaking helped me nail the focus.

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II
1/500s f/7.1 at 100.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Raymond07-Aug-2017 10:45
Perfect shot
Irene Wehrli07-Aug-2017 09:08
Simply beautiful! What a fabulous plant and I love to see a busy bee, Isabel!
larose forest photos07-Aug-2017 03:04
Lovely sharp shotof the busy bumble bee on the physostegia. V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet07-Aug-2017 00:10
Superb capture.
Jim Coffman06-Aug-2017 23:06
Very well done. Nice capture of nature.